2013 Honda Cbr1000rr Top Speed

2013 Honda Cbr1000rr Top Speed




62 Posts

Discussion Starter · #1 ·


1) I was always wondering what is actualy top speed the factory 1k RR goes?

2) Why no odm shows more than 299kph or 185mph top speed?

If can someone explain me a bit further.





3,876 Posts




1,199 Posts

i broke the sound barrier on mine...in 4th gear

the digital speedometer only measures 999...then it breaks and falls off the bike, so i cant help you

how many licks DOES it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?

VVV refer to my sig for your next question



436 Posts

177-179 all i could pull out of stock 071krr




6,153 Posts

He asked a legitimate question,

The top speed with stock gearing at 13,000 RPM for '08 and up (if you can reach it) is 184.6 MPH.

The limit you see displayed is not any kink of governor etc. It's just the max speed it's programmed to display, you can accelerate past that IF the bike is capable.




1,199 Posts

its not a legit question x...too many factors involved...you can look in any motorcycle rag and see the "claimed" top speed or the "electronicly limited" top speed of any bike...his actual question of "the REAL top speed" has way too many variables to even guess at




Greetings from Slovenia!



22 Posts


1) I was always wondering what is actualy top speed the factory 1k RR goes?

2) Why no odm shows more than 299kph or 185mph top speed?

If can someone explain me a bit further.


For 1st question: Use Garmin or some similar GPS for measure top and current speed.

2. Don't know why they (Honda) decided so?




62 Posts

Discussion Starter · #8 ·

its not a legit question x...too many factors involved...you can look in any motorcycle rag and see the "claimed" top speed or the "electronicly limited" top speed of any bike...his actual question of "the REAL top speed" has way too many variables to even guess at

Yeah I unerstand,
but I mean top speed of factory 1kRR bike. W/out any mods.
I belive that is less 300kph or 185mph.
Actualy I belive it is about 285 kph, true speed, that means measured by GPS
not shown on odm.




62 Posts

Discussion Starter · #9 ·

i broke the sound barrier on mine...in 4th gear

the digital speedometer only measures 999...then it breaks and falls off the bike, so i cant help you

how many licks DOES it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?

VVV refer to my sig for your next question

.....I would like to take a ride with you...:beat:




1,199 Posts




62 Posts

Discussion Starter · #11 ·

My goes almost 60...:th_SmlyROFL:




1,199 Posts

Yeah I unerstand,
but I mean top speed of factory 1kRR bike. W/out any mods.
I belive that is less 300kph or 185mph.
Actualy I belive it is about 285 kph, true speed, that means measured by GPS
not shown on odm.

still...the variables are nearly endless...what year bike? how much do you weigh? how much fuel in the tank? where you trying this at? whats the elevation above sea level? atmoshperic conditions? road surface? incline / decline of terrain? tire pressure? type of tire? you tucked in completely behind screen? how many miles on the bike? how is it maintained? is horsepower equal to factory fresh engine? type of fuel? ambient temp of air feeding the airbox? air filter clean? what kind is it? etc...ad nauseum...

my point is you cant just ask what is the REAL top speed of a 1krr...

you can ask what is the CLAIMED top speed and get a definitive answer
you can ask what is the ELECTRONICALLY LIMITED top speed and get a definitive answer...

you could even ask what is the ACTUAL top speed of (insert riders name here)'s (insert year and model of bike here) when he was at (insert place) on (insert day, time)...and you will be able to get a definitive answer

your question is just too vague




62 Posts

Discussion Starter · #13 ·

oh damn! I did not know that there is so manny factors which affects to the top speed. Ok, to answer my question, my bike is 05 1kRR, and I have 75kg,and lets say that my bike is brand new,whit 1500 miles on odm,new tyres,and I am on highway. Or to make thing easier, what is electronic restricted top speed of brand new bike 1kRR 05? The speed I mean that in no circumstances can any factory brand new 1kRR make more than that? Cheers




1,199 Posts

He asked a legitimate question,

The top speed with stock gearing at 13,000 RPM for '08 and up (if you can reach it) is 184.6 MPH.

The limit you see displayed is not any kink of governor etc. It's just the max speed it's programmed to display, you can accelerate past that IF the bike is capable.

what he ^ said...

all manufaturers have a "gentleman's agreement" to artificially limit all sport bikes to a top speed of 186

X did the math according to engine RPM and gear ratios with stock tire circumference and came up with a theoretically mathematically attainable speed...that is why he rightly qualified his statement with "(if you can reach it)" ...

YOUR actual top speed will vary wildy according to all of the variables i mentioned before, and then some...

realistically you should be good for 160's - low 170's if all conditions were ideal




14,397 Posts





62 Posts

Discussion Starter · #16 ·

He asked a legitimate question,

The top speed with stock gearing at 13,000 RPM for '08 and up (if you can reach it) is 184.6 MPH.

The limit you see displayed is not any kink of governor etc. It's just the max speed it's programmed to display, you can accelerate past that IF the bike is capable.

Ok Thanks,
So 1k RR '08 and up goes 185 mph. I was wondering how much can go '05 1kRR,because I own it.
And the odm cant show more than 185 or 299, but we can reach more if bike is capable like you said. But i dont think that 299 is real 299 like I see on youtube. I posted this question on forum because I belive that no factory 1 liter bike made up to 2005 can reach 300kph (185mph).




1,512 Posts

Mine is smooth up to 88mph...then things get a little crazy and in end up in 1955.




62 Posts

Discussion Starter · #18 ·

what he ^ said...

all manufaturers have a "gentleman's agreement" to artificially limit all sport bikes to a top speed of 186

X did the math according to engine RPM and gear ratios with stock tire circumference and came up with a theoretically mathematically attainable speed...that is why he rightly qualified his statement with "(if you can reach it)" ...

YOUR actual top speed will vary wildy according to all of the variables i mentioned before, and then some...

realistically you should be good for 160's - low 170's if all conditions were ideal

That is what I want to know. From 160-170!!
Because 299kph is 185mph what I doubt that any stock bike made up to 2005 can reach in perfect conditions on the road!
Thanks man




3,876 Posts

Mine is smooth up to 88mph...then things get a little crazy and in end up in 1955.

Dr. Emmett Brown: If my calculations are correct, when this baby hits eighty-eight miles per hour... you're gonna see some serious shit.

Don't worry. As long as you hit that wire with the connecting hook at precisely 88mph the instant the lightning strikes the tower... everything will be fine.




373 Posts

The other factor to consider when looking at indicated MPH is the fact that the factory speedo is probably inaccurate by about 1/2% at those speeds. So GPS is going to be a better indicator of the true speed you are running.

2013 Honda Cbr1000rr Top Speed

Source: https://www.1000rr.net/threads/what-is-the-real-top-speed-the-bikes-go.72397/

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